Friday, September 16, 2011

Try it urself - Improve Bass using winamp EQ

This technique is not exclusive to winamp , but please let me know if you like the idea.Its not revolutionary or anything ,but its just one way.Let me know if you have any other ideas as well.

My favourite part of the music frequencies spectrum is the bass.But  then , that itself raises a lot of questions when we are trying to define WHAT kind of BASS. Well, i dint know really ! So i did this.

1. Took a very bass heavy song ( bass guitar rather , for me . It could be anything for you). So that was "With or  Without You" by U2.
2. Started playing it on my favourite headphones, that i use all the time.
3. Realized that the bass was too boomy for my taste , and started tuning it
4.In the end i ended up with an EQ that was more heavy in the 250Hz range ( I was expecting a lower range initially)
5.Played some of the other songs , and voila , they were all good mind you !

Try it and plz post a feedback ! 

Editing EQ settings on Winamp

Hi.I know that most of us are very familiar with Winamp.Atleast i thought i was.Until i found this. Here we go.

0. Start winamp :P
1. Go to Options->Preferences->Playback->Equalizer
2. There are various choices that you can make here.
            a) EQ type - Constant Q / Winamp 4Font
            b) Frequency Bands - Standard ISO / Winamp

Why do it ?
Graphic equalizers are a very powerful way of adjusting/filtering the gains of various frequencies that we hear, and they decide our experience in hearing sounds ,especially when it comes to music.The reason why this equalizers might be helpful can be understood by why the graphic equalizer is called so, and what its properties are.Links here.

Please leave some comments, so that i can know if this helped/ if you already knew it :)